Aged Care Visit

Hi friends,

A few days ago I went to a nursing home it was  very fun and I got to meet lots of Elders. They were very interesting and they had lots of stories.

One of the elders names was Stan who was in the Navy. I connected with him because my grandad was in the army as an engineer and when he was in cadets he was in the Navy force and he Escorted the Queen. Stan was also from the  same country as my Grandad which was Scotland.

Also Merl was very interesting and she had lots of things to say and she told me a lot about the world and what was going on.

Also I met Helen who was the principal of a school. I really enjoyed talking to her about my dogs and my pets.

I enjoyed going there because it was very fun. I hope next time I go I have even more fun which I think is impossible.

Have you ever been to a nursing home?



One thought on “Aged Care Visit”

  1. Hi Hugh,

    I liked your post about the nursing home. I visited a nursing home in China and with my class in Australia.
    What nursing home did you go to.

    You could improve on your blog by adding more detail.

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